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    Zitate: Shreeguru Balaji També und Shri Gita Tarot

    Repetition is due to unfulfilled desires.
    Whatever you do, do it in the right way and at the right time.
    Imagine, you have only one chance, then you will give your full attention to whatever you do.

    Whatever God manages goes without a problem,
    and whatever you manage yourself is liable to fail.

    To experience divine love, we have to develop a very strong desire to love and serve others
    without wanting something in return.

    No effort on the yoga path is ever lost, nor can any obstacle ever hold one back forever. Just a little progress on this path can protect one from the greatest fear.

    Love is a flow of energy free from expectations.

    Rather than being jealous and comparing oneself with others,
    one should be aware of what one wants and imagine how to achieve the Self.

    At no time did I not exist, nor you, nor any of these kings. Nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.

    We must learn to look at our own faults and the discomfort of others,
    rather than our own discomfort and the faults of others.

    Since the Master and the disciple are two sides of a coin or two ends of the same ladder,
    they exist as one. To accept a Master means to climb the ladder of consciousness.

    It is a myth that ghee increases cholesterol.
    It is the nectar for a healthy life.

    One should allow others to share the fruits of whatever one does.

    The past is all gone, it doesn't matter any more. The future will be decided only by our present karmas.
    So, be present or omnipresent; you cannot be in the past or the future.

    Whenever and wherever there is a decline of religious practice in the world and wickedness becomes predominant, at that time I descend Myself. In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the sacred law, I appear in every age.

    There are three levels of existence.
    On the physical level, one has to remove karmic blocks and purify the cells.
    On the mental level, one has to keep the mind integrated and contented.
    On the spiritual level, one has to trust and surrender to energise the spiritual body.

    Material wealth must be converted into happyness.
    Only God has the converting mechanism and a wise person will ask God for happiness directly.

    We can earn our minimum needs, but possessions never give satisfactions. What we most need is love.

    Isolation brings disease.
    Integration with a loving community brings health and harmony.

    It is best to get peace and happyness first and then to get rich afterwards.

    Everything in the world has something good and bad.
    Therefore we must know how to remove the bad part and take advantage of the good.


    To experience spiritually, first develop imagination, trust and devotion.

    Ayurveda gives scientific therapies, meditations and rituals to cure human problems,
    to restore environmental balance and to offer contentment, peace and salvation.

    Music can heal when it is not only a form of entertainment, but a communication system with the Self.
    Ultimately, it is an expression of love and devotion towards the Lord.

    Pollution of the mind is more dangerous than any other form of pollution
    and it is the biggest cause of disease.

    So you find out a new way, a different way: you make your life so enjoyable that you are never reminded of liberation.

    The first step is "Subhechha" — good thoughts and good wishes. You are having compassion.

    Meditation is a help to get energy for living a beautyful life all the time.

    Be steadfast in yoga, o Arjuna. Perform your duty without attachment, remaining equal to success or failure. Such equanimity of mind is called yoga.

    My material nature is made up of eight separate energies: earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego.

    Whatever a great man does, common men follow. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.

    Save the Date …
    Pfingstseminar in Gleichen vom 5. bis 8. Juni 2025

    Das Thema in diesem Frühling: "Beständigkeit in Zeiten des Wandels"
    Basierend auf Shreeguru Balaji Tambés Lehren und praktischen Einsichten aus der Bhagavad Geeta.


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